Title: The One Left BehindAuthor: Lena NicoleAuthor Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/LenaNicoleAuthorTwitter: @LenaNicole1______________________________________________________________________________________________ Colin and Addison are on their way home when they are caught in a vicious car accident. While Colin walks away with minimal injuries, Addison suffers from a traumatic brain injury causing her to lose her short-term memory. She can’t remember the night of […]
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Release Date: October 25, 2013 Title: The One Left BehindAuthor: Lena NicoleAuthor Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/LenaNicoleAuthorTwitter: @LenaNicole1______________________________________________________________________________________________ Colin and Addison are on their way home when they are caught in a vicious car accident. While Colin walks away with minimal injuries, Addison suffers from a traumatic brain injury causing her to lose her short-term memory. She […]
Book #1 in The Daniels Brothers SeriesBuy on Amazon – CLICK HERE Buy on B&N – CLICK HEREBuy on The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House – CLICK HEREGenre: Romance Elizabeth Marshall spent the last nine years doing all the things she was supposed to do. She went to a good college. Married a man with a […]
All this week I will be featuring Sherri Hayes and will be posting different information about Sherri and her books. Keep checking my website and my Facebook Page at least daily this week for more great things about Sherri and her books! Also make sure you check out my Sherri Hayes Author Page (CLICK HERE) on my website for more information […]